The vision for TerraCalc Land Surveying Inc. was to introduce to the construction community a different type of surveying company. One that still does traditional construction and boundary surveying, but also one that strives to stay on top of the latest technology, pass on the fruits of those advances in technology and make clients more productive because of it. We only use the latest survey instruments. Experienced field crews, equipped with fully robotic & GPS enabled equipment, provide reliable, precise, measurements and receive updates real time from the office via the web.


Who We Are
TerraCalc Land Surveying Inc. was created to fill the technology gap that exists between contractors and their GPS & Robotic guided earthmoving equipment. We help you be more productive with greater accuracy and less effort than ever before.

Excellence and Professionalism
Our services benefit the contractor and the owner by using the most advanced construction estimating and modeling software (AGTEK Earthwork 4D & Materials 4D, Autodesk Civil 3D, Trimble Business Center & TopCon 3D Office) guided by professionals with more than 30 years of experience in construction layout, earthwork modeling & site-work estimating.

Credibility & Quality
With REAL field experience, on REAL machine control systems, we know where and how they excel and what challenges could be faced with each project. We are licensed to perform surveying in Oregon, Washington, and California and hold firmly to the belief that education is the key to success in our profession, and only fully qualified individuals will be given the opportunity to perform work for our clients.